AECOsim Building Designer Help

To change the value of IFC_WORKSET

The IFC_WORKSET configuration variable is locked in the Configuration Variables dialog and the value cannot be changed there. Complete the following procedure to change the value of this configuration variable.

  1. Open the current template, say BuildingTemplate_US.cfg file in an editor such as Notepad.

    The file can be found in the Worksets directory, e.g. ...\WorkSpaces\<WorkSpaceName>\Worksets.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the file and find the IFC configuration variable.
    # IFC Dataset Extension: 
    # This include statement must be processed last in the PCF
    # Lock is required on IFC_WORKSET variable to prevent changes at the USER level
      	# Enables the Dataset to be extended to include IFC2x3 property sets.
      	# IFC_WORKSET=0, dataset not extend, 
     	# IFC_WORKSET=1, dataset extended with IFC psets
     	# IFC_WORKSET=2, dataset extended with IFC psets Plus FM Handover(COBie)
      	IFC_WORKSET : 2
      	%lock IFC_WORKSET
      	%if $(IFC_WORKSET)==1 || $(IFC_WORKSET)==2
        		%if exists ($(IFCDIR)Dataset.cfg)
          			% include $(IFCDIR)Dataset.cfg
  3. Change the value to 0, 1, or 2, and save the file before closing it.
    Note: You must completely close AECOsim Building Designer, and then restart the application in order for the new value to take effect.